
Liebster Award!

6964749I seldom think of myself as someone worthy to win an award and yet, here I am, doing another post where I’ve been nominated. Thank you to Nina @ The Cozy Pages! This was a wonderful surprise. ❤

The Rules:

  • Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 blogs.
  • Notify those blogs of the nomination.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

The Questions!

1. What book impacted you the most? Either in a thought-provoking, emotional, happy, etc, way.

tumblr_nkl51lsqog1tr2a1xo3_250I think Little Women. Jo made me embrace the fact that I am a theatrical, bookworm who loves to write. It made me embrace that being different was perfectly acceptable and it’s just a book I genuinely love. Winona Ryder will forever be Jo to me, if that’s worth mentioning, lol.

“But, you see, Jo wasn’t a heroine, she was only a struggling human girl like hundreds of others, and she just acted out her nature, being sad, cross, listless, or energetic, as the mood suggested. It’s highly virtuous to say we’ll be good, but we can’t do it all at once, and it takes a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together before some of us even get our feet set in the right way.” –Louisa May Alcott

2. If you had one extra day in a week that nobody knew about, what would you do with it?

Oh gosh. Probably just shut off the computer and the tv; play some relaxing music and just read. It would be a non-distraction day.

3. If you could have your own personal library that you could decorate ANY way you wanted (money is not a factor!) what would it look like and what would it HAVE to include (besides books of course!)

Did you honestly think I’d pick anything else? Lol. I’d like it to be autumn too; we never get that here in Florida. So I’d add a big window–one with a window seat–and I would sit there and read, drink hot chocolate and admire the colors of autumn. tumblr_p1fbea07km1w6iojto6_250


4. Describe your personality in 3 words?

Quirky, headstrong, whimsical.

5. What is your favorite time of day?

I love sunset, but I also love when it’s late at night and I’m the only one in my house who is awake.

6. Do you have any siblings?

That’s awkward and complicated to answer, but I was raised as an only child. So no.

7. What two words would you use to describe your blog?

Quirky and Unique.

8. What is the most recent book you bought?

Circe by Madeleine Miller. It was my Book of the Month selection!

9. Can you sing or play an instrument?

Not well and no. I tried piano when I was younger.

10. iPhone or Android?


11. What’s the time right now, as you are typing your answer to this question?

12.32 pm on Easter Sunday.



1. I am right-handed.
2. I love to color and to paint. Adult coloring books are quite wonderful to me.
3. I love to wear mismatched socks.
4. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers.
5. I hate hate hate to clean. I’m a terribly messy person, but I work well in my own chaos.
6. I used to write different names on my papers at school when I was younger because I hated my name.
7. I am still on good terms with some of my teachers from school. My 1st and 3rd-grade teacher is on my Facebook, as are several of my high school English teachers, my 7th-grade phys ed teacher (she was later the Assistant Principal at my high school), my art teacher from 9th grade and a few others.
8. Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo are my favorite artists.
9. I had to repeat 5th grade.
10. I had to get special permission when I was younger to borrow certain books from the library because I was so young.
11. Scarlett O’Hara is my all time favorite character and Vivien Leigh played her to perfection. Fight me.


She had become adept at putting unpleasant thoughts out of her mind these days. She had learned to say, “I won’t think of this or that bothersome thought now. I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Generally when tomorrow came, the thought either did not occur at all or it was so attenuated by the delay it was not very troublesome.

My Questions:
1. What are your three least favorite books of all time?
2. What’s your favorite genre?
3. Is there an author who you love and no matter whatever anyone says, you’d stick by them?
4.  What is a trope you hate?
5. If you could write a book, what would you call it?
6. What is your favorite thing to drink whilst reading? (Or are you like me and are afraid you’ll stain the pages?)
7. What is your favorite color?
8. If you could live in the world that your favorite book takes place in, which would you pick?
9. E-Reader or physical book? Or both?
10. Do you ever wonder why people don’t like to read?
11. Do you have any pets?

My Nominees!

Frankie @ FreedByFiction
Life Love Read
Bookahoic Throne
Reading with Rendz
Katie @herpaperworld
Katelyn @ From Cover to Cover
Amanda @ Literary Weaponry
Wendy @ Suburbia Reads


Liebster Award!

I have been nominated by: My Personal Thing and A Scholarly Skater. Thank you both so much for the nomination! ❤


Here are the official rules for the Liebster Award nomination:

  • Each nominee must have under 200 followers
  • Thank and link to the nominating blog
  • Answer their 10 questions and propose 10 new ones for your nominees
  • Nominate 10 blogs and tell them that they’ve been nominated
  • Write a post containing the questions
  • Include these rules in the postth_SNOOPYreading_bookMy Questions for my nominees: 

    1. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose and why?
    2. If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would you choose? (You can pick more than one–have  a dinner party!)
    3. What’s your favorite color?
    4. Books or movies?
    5. If you could go on an adventure to anywhere, with anyone, what would you pick?
    6. Favorite tv show?
    7. What do you love about blogging?
    8. What do you hate about blogging?
    9.Where is your favorite place to be?
    10. Tell a random fact about yourself!

    My nominees are:
    {I’m sorry there’s not 10!}

    swirl-divider-purple-smallI’ve answered both series of questions from those who nominated me:
    1. Favourite game?
    Well, if you mean like a board game, I’m going to go with Monopoly. I was terrible at it as a kid, but I’ve gotten better at it. Computer games, I’m going with the Assassin’s Creed series.

    2. Anything you would like to learn that you haven’t learned already?/
    I’d like to learn French and Spanish.

    3. What is your dream job?
    To work at Colonial Williamsburg.

    4. Films or books?
    I love both! Do I have to choose?

    5. Furthest place you have traveled to?
    Roatan, Honduras. I was on a cruise. We also stopped in Cozumel, Mexico, Belize and Grand Cayman Island.

    6. Favourite part about blogging?

    All the wonderful people I’ve met. :]

    7. Most memorable part about blogging?

    Getting to talk to authors I might not have ever gotten to meet and to talk about their work.

    8. Favourtie song?

    All time? Ugh, you’re killing me! Haha. “Let It Be” by the Beatles.

    9. Favourite musical artist/band?
    Artist: Right now, I’m really into Sam Smith.
    Band: Backstreet Boys. (LoL, I know.)

    10. Favourite artistic/creative artist?
    Vincent van Gogh and Frida Kahlo. I also like Renaissance art.


Pick any work of art or artifact from any time or place to display in your home. Feel free to ignore all practical concerns when answering this question.

This is such an awesome question. I would take La Scapigliata by Leonardo da Vinci. I’d want to have a Da Vinci Code-esque adventure to get it first though, lol.

What was your major in college and why did you pick it?
I didn’t actually finish college, but I had hoped to major in history with a minor in British Literature. I love history and I really enjoy BritLit.

Imagine that you wake up one morning and have a rare day off, with no responsibilities whatsoever. How do you spend the day?
Sleeping, haha.

Describe your personal sense of style by referring to the characters or pop culture icons it most resembles.
<—Basically my style, lol.

Who is your role model and why?

I don’t think I really have one. I’m just kind of me and  I don’t want to look up to someone who will disappoint. But if I had to pick, perhaps I’d pick Alice Roosevelt, Theodore’s daughter. He once commented, “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.” So, that tells you something about her. 🙂

What is your favorite non-fiction book (because everyone always asks about fiction)?

Do you think a movie can ever be better than the book it’s based upon? (I know I’m being scandalous here!)
It can! Forrest Gump is a perfect example because Book!Forrest is actually a bit of an ass and he’s mean! Movie!Forrest is just perfect. He’s emotional in a way that I don’t think book version is. I just love the movie version so much more. (And Tom Hanks is just amazing to me.)

What is your dream job (real or invented)?
I answered this, but I’d really love to work at Colonial Williamsburg. 🙂 I just love it there.

What would the title of your memoir be?
“God bless you, blow your nose.’
I have terrible allergies and I’m always sneezing…so my mom always says that to me. I joked I’d name my memoirs said title.

Would you rather have an unlimited, forever-replenishing supply of good books, cute clothing, or yummy snacks?

I have so many books and snacks are easy to come by. But I’m a big girl, so cute clothing in my size would be fantastic!

Pick a foreign language that you want to learn.
Well, I said French and Spanish already, but I’d also like to learn how to speak Italian or Greek.