
2019 Reading Goals…!


I know I said it the other day, but I can’t believe that it’s 2019 already. It definitely is a little mind-blowing. I also said I’ll be 33 this year and I have to admit, I feel old! Some of you bloggers are so much younger than me! I am, however, thankful that you all are so wonderful to me and don’t treat me like I’m an old bat, haha. I never talk down to any of you because I respect you, your work, your efforts, everything. I definitely aim to get to know more of you this year, that’s to begin my goals.


So, number one: Read and follow more blogs.

I absolutely adore all of the work that every one of you in this community do. It’s infectious and you inspire me. You’re all so passionate and it makes one excited for whatever book you’re promoting. So I would certainly like to read more of them and get to know you guys.

Number two: I would like to finish up the Throne of Glass series along with the Three Dark Crowns series, catch up on Miss Peregrine and ACOTAR and begin another. Leave some suggestions below! Especially ones similar in nature; I do enjoy stories like this. I’m presently on Throne of Glass, which was a gift through #BookishWish. (Thank you so so much, Kailey!!) I just need to get the five in the middle…lol.

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Number Three: I would like to read more out of my comfort zone. That said, I want to read some more biographies, autobiographies, Sci-Fi, and all sorts. I’m still not on the romance/erotica train and so I won’t aspire to that. I will, however, give most anything else a try. I loved biographies when I was a kid. But I seem to have gotten away from those. I also aim to read more classics. Maybe reread some. I think that reading those is important. Some of those touch on the issues and concerns of the past, which I often find are not dissimilar to things we face now. Change the fashions and technology and most of the human experience is the same.

Number Four: I also want to read more diverse reads! This is a beautiful world, full of people who are different than me and I embrace that. I need it in my life. I think diversity is a beautiful thing. Can you imagine if we were all the same?

I also want this book something fierce. I love all things Hamilton. I’m saving for the album on vinyl too. (Which is gonna cost a small fortune, but I call it an investment, lol.)

I’m looking for a mind at work… (work, work!) 

Number Five: I also need to tackle my TBR pile, which is pretty big. My kindle is not in the picture, so I’m working on physical books and galleys. I enjoy the challenge, but I do miss reading the books I have already. I’m sure this is a struggle that you lot understand better than most!


Another Woman’s Husband: A Spotlight.


  • Paperback: 480 pages
  • Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
  • Publish Date: August 21, 2018

As the world mourns the loss of Diana, Princess of Wales, one young woman uncovers a forgotten story of passion, betrayal, and a scandal surrounding the British crown in this unforgettable novel by the bestselling author of The Secret Wife.

Two women who challenged the Crown.

Divided by time. Bound by a secret…

1911: When fifteen-year-old Mary Kirk meets Wallis Warfield at summer camp, she’s immediately captivated by her fearless, brazen, and self-assured personality. And Wallis has a way with the boys who are drawn to her like moths to a flame. Though Mary’s family isn’t crazy about her new best friend, she steadfastly stands by her side—even years later when they’re adults and rumors swirl about Wallis and her reckless behavior with none other than the Prince of Wales. But when Mary’s loyalty to Wallis comes into question, their friendship will be put to the ultimate test.

1997: After a romantic proposal in Paris, Rachel and her fiancé Alex are in a cab when suddenly the car ahead crashes. They’re stunned to learn Princess Diana is in the car. By the wreckage, Alex finds a heart pendant with an engraved letter “J” and Roman numerals XVII and gives it to Rachel to hold. Haunted by the crash and Diana’s subsequent death, Rachel is intrigued when she discovers that Di had visited the last home of Wallis, the Duchess of Windsor, only hours before the accident. Eventually, the revelation of a long-forgotten link to Wallis Simpson leads Rachel to the truth behind a scandal that shook the world…




Gill Paul is an author of historical fiction, specialising in recent history. Her new novel, The Secret Wife, is about the romance between cavalry officer Dmitri Malama and Grand Duchess Tatiana, the second daughter of Russia’s last tsar, who first met in 1914. It’s also about a young woman in 2016 deciding whether to forgive her husband after an infidelity.

Gill’s other novels include Women and Children First, about a young steward who works on the Titanic; The Affair, set in Rome in 1961–62 as Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton fall in love while making Cleopatra; and No Place for a Lady, about two Victorian sisters who travel out to the Crimean War of 1854–56 and face challenges beyond anything they could have imagined.

Gill also writes historical non-fiction, including A History of Medicine in 50 Objects (to be published 1st October 2016) and a series of Love Stories, each containing fourteen tales of real-life couples: how they met, why they fell for each other, and what happened in the end. Published around the world, this series includes Royal Love Stories, World War I Love Stories and Titanic Love Stories.

Gill was born in Scotland and grew up there, apart from an eventful year at school in West Virginia when she was ten. She studied Medicine at Glasgow University, then English Literature and History (she was a student for a long time), before moving to London to work in publishing. She started her own company producing books for publishers, along the way editing such luminaries as Griff Rhys Jones, John Suchet, John Julius Norwich, Ray Mears and Eartha Kitt. She also writes on health, nutrition and relationships.

Gill swims year-round in an open-air pond – “It’s good for you so long as it doesn’t kill you”– and is a devotee of Pilates. She also particularly enjoys travelling on what she calls “research trips” and attempting to match-make for friends.


Liebster Award!

6964749I seldom think of myself as someone worthy to win an award and yet, here I am, doing another post where I’ve been nominated. Thank you to Nina @ The Cozy Pages! This was a wonderful surprise. ❤

The Rules:

  • Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 blogs.
  • Notify those blogs of the nomination.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

The Questions!

1. What book impacted you the most? Either in a thought-provoking, emotional, happy, etc, way.

tumblr_nkl51lsqog1tr2a1xo3_250I think Little Women. Jo made me embrace the fact that I am a theatrical, bookworm who loves to write. It made me embrace that being different was perfectly acceptable and it’s just a book I genuinely love. Winona Ryder will forever be Jo to me, if that’s worth mentioning, lol.

“But, you see, Jo wasn’t a heroine, she was only a struggling human girl like hundreds of others, and she just acted out her nature, being sad, cross, listless, or energetic, as the mood suggested. It’s highly virtuous to say we’ll be good, but we can’t do it all at once, and it takes a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together before some of us even get our feet set in the right way.” –Louisa May Alcott

2. If you had one extra day in a week that nobody knew about, what would you do with it?

Oh gosh. Probably just shut off the computer and the tv; play some relaxing music and just read. It would be a non-distraction day.

3. If you could have your own personal library that you could decorate ANY way you wanted (money is not a factor!) what would it look like and what would it HAVE to include (besides books of course!)

Did you honestly think I’d pick anything else? Lol. I’d like it to be autumn too; we never get that here in Florida. So I’d add a big window–one with a window seat–and I would sit there and read, drink hot chocolate and admire the colors of autumn. tumblr_p1fbea07km1w6iojto6_250


4. Describe your personality in 3 words?

Quirky, headstrong, whimsical.

5. What is your favorite time of day?

I love sunset, but I also love when it’s late at night and I’m the only one in my house who is awake.

6. Do you have any siblings?

That’s awkward and complicated to answer, but I was raised as an only child. So no.

7. What two words would you use to describe your blog?

Quirky and Unique.

8. What is the most recent book you bought?

Circe by Madeleine Miller. It was my Book of the Month selection!

9. Can you sing or play an instrument?

Not well and no. I tried piano when I was younger.

10. iPhone or Android?


11. What’s the time right now, as you are typing your answer to this question?

12.32 pm on Easter Sunday.



1. I am right-handed.
2. I love to color and to paint. Adult coloring books are quite wonderful to me.
3. I love to wear mismatched socks.
4. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers.
5. I hate hate hate to clean. I’m a terribly messy person, but I work well in my own chaos.
6. I used to write different names on my papers at school when I was younger because I hated my name.
7. I am still on good terms with some of my teachers from school. My 1st and 3rd-grade teacher is on my Facebook, as are several of my high school English teachers, my 7th-grade phys ed teacher (she was later the Assistant Principal at my high school), my art teacher from 9th grade and a few others.
8. Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo are my favorite artists.
9. I had to repeat 5th grade.
10. I had to get special permission when I was younger to borrow certain books from the library because I was so young.
11. Scarlett O’Hara is my all time favorite character and Vivien Leigh played her to perfection. Fight me.


She had become adept at putting unpleasant thoughts out of her mind these days. She had learned to say, “I won’t think of this or that bothersome thought now. I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Generally when tomorrow came, the thought either did not occur at all or it was so attenuated by the delay it was not very troublesome.

My Questions:
1. What are your three least favorite books of all time?
2. What’s your favorite genre?
3. Is there an author who you love and no matter whatever anyone says, you’d stick by them?
4.  What is a trope you hate?
5. If you could write a book, what would you call it?
6. What is your favorite thing to drink whilst reading? (Or are you like me and are afraid you’ll stain the pages?)
7. What is your favorite color?
8. If you could live in the world that your favorite book takes place in, which would you pick?
9. E-Reader or physical book? Or both?
10. Do you ever wonder why people don’t like to read?
11. Do you have any pets?

My Nominees!

Frankie @ FreedByFiction
Life Love Read
Bookahoic Throne
Reading with Rendz
Katie @herpaperworld
Katelyn @ From Cover to Cover
Amanda @ Literary Weaponry
Wendy @ Suburbia Reads



You guys, thank you SO, SO much for helping me reach so many!
I never thought that I’d gain so many in such a short amount of time.
This blog is just about two months old, so I appreciate you reading my posts and talking with me!

I’d like to mention that I am on Twitter, Goodreads, BlogLovin’ and, of course, Facebook!
Please feel free to reach out to me there, follow me, whatever you like. 🙂

When my Facebook reaches 150 ‘fans’, I think I’ll do a giveaway.
Don’t be shy, come say hello! Really, I don’t bite. 🙂 It’s me who runs the page.

Muchos besos! ❤